Don’t let compliments go to your head. Don’t let criticism go to your heart.
“If reality is one way and you think it should be another way, you suffer.” “Reality wins, but only 100% of the time.” – Byron Katie
“It’s not your job to like me – it’s mine.” – Byron Katie
We can all be judgmental at times, so…
Live and Let live!
We’re here to be of service… you get what you give.
When others call you on being controlling, ask yourself if you think you know better than others or you think, You/They should do what I say, because I know better. Even if you are “right” quite a bit, remember it’s not your business to be in charge of the world. Every one Live and Let live!
A sense of humor helps everything.
How can I bring in more joy, pleasure or fun today?
There’s a huge difference between unsolicited advice and advice that’s asked for.
Trust that the Universe/God has your best interests.
Hate corrodes the container it’s in!
We all carry old wounds and some of them we’re not aware of. Triggers come from unconscious deep places from within. Take responsibility for what triggers you… don’t blame it on what the other person said. It takes effort to work with your triggers; when you do there is freedom and ease.
“Be yourself, everyone else is taken.” – Oscar Wilde
In a discussion/argument, stay focused. Don’t hog the time – no soliloquies or monopolizing. The more you talk, the more the other person feels frustrated, angry, and/or left out. With more and more words, it’s easier to blame, shame, criticize, demean or name-call. Be precise and to-the-point and let your partner respond! – Stan Tatkin
Ask, don’t demand. Nobody likes to be demanding to do something and the result isn’t good. Even if the person acquiesces to the demand, there usually resentment held inside.
Maturing is the process of over-coming insecurity.